
East Tennessee Roots
- the history and genealogy of East Tennessee
East Tennessee Roots FAQ
What is East Tennesse Roots Genealogical/Historical Magazine?

It's a magazine all about the history and genealogy of the East Tennessee region, in publication since 1984.

Here's some specs about what we cover:
  • Area? The East Tennessee counties listed on our home page.
  • Time periods? Prehistoric to early 20th century.
  • Particular emphasis? Early settlement and statehood, Watauga era, NC land grants, Revolution and Revolutionary soldiers, artifacts, etc.
  • Topics? Anything genealogy- or history-related. Primary sources, original research, meticulously-documented research. (We don't publish maybes, what-ifs, and supposition - in fact, we sneer at that.)

What's new?

We're expanding from a magazine to an entire website! 

How can I help?

You can subscribe to volume 10 of East Tennessee Roots

Better yet, take advantage of our half-price offer: A current subscription to Volume 10, plus...
  • Volume 9
  • Volume 8
  • Volume 7
  • Volume 6

...and it's all at half price - $65 instead of $130!

We're making this generous offer because we need to clear out the storage boxes full of back issues. We need the space and could use the funds to help build the website - so we're offering them to you at half price. You'll find more details on the subscription page.
